Con Ops

Why Do I Need a ConOps in a CBTC Application?

Why Do I Need a ConOps in a CBTC Application?

When some transit agencies being down the path of deploying a CBTC solution, they assume their engineers understand their operational requirements and begin writing a technical specification.

This assumption is wrong.

Frontline personnel (such as train driver or maintenance personnel) understand the daily operational needs of the Transit Agency because they operate the system day in and day out

What is a Concept of Operations (ConOps) In a CBTC Application

What is a Concept of Operations (ConOps) In a CBTC Application

From a CBTC perspective, a ConOps is written with the end-user in mind and it describes what the transit agency expects from the CBTC system.

The ConOps is concerned with the operating environment where the CBTC system will reside in and where frontline personnel work to deliver service.

The CBTC system must address the needs of these frontline personnel and the purpose of the ConOps is to capture the needs of these workers.