Applying Human Factor Engineering Principals to an ATS Line Overview Display

Applying Human Factor Engineering Principals to an ATS Line Overview Display

The Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) system plays a vital role in monitoring the performance of Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC) signaling systems during revenue operations. Despite its significance, Transit Operators often neglect to properly define the ATS user interface requirements in their specifications, resulting in a CBTC supplier delivering a cumbersome and tedious user experience that is unacceptable for such a crucial subsystem.

GoA 4 Explained - Unattended Operations

GoA 4 Explained - Unattended Operations

GoA 4 is total automation.

At this level, the transformation is complete and the system has taken over the train, wayside and the platforms. Involvement from the operator has been reduced if not eliminated. The operator’s role is to only monitor the system and get involved if there is a failure the automated system cannot handle.

GoA3 Explained - Driverless Train Operations

GoA3 Explained - Driverless Train Operations

Basic GoA2 automation is the ability to control propulsion and braking based on the conditions of the track ahead. Achieving GoA 2 level of automation is a significant accomplishment but it is not enough for a modern urban transit system. The next step is to increase the level of trackside/platform awareness and control, which brings us to the next Grade of Automation, GoA 3.

GoA2 Explained - Semi Automated Train Operations

GoA2 Explained - Semi Automated Train Operations

Rail automation is the ability to control train movements without a driver and GoA 2 is the first level that accomplishes this by introducing the core rail automation functionality.

But the jump from #GoA 1 to GoA 2 is an order of magnitude higher than the jump to any other grade (such as GoA 2 to 3 or GoA 3 to 4) due to the complexity and amount of automation required.

Hence, why is the jump to GoA 2 a difficult jump?

What is Grade of Automation (GoA)?

What is Grade of Automation (GoA)?

Urban population densities are increasing and transit operators are demanding more from their transit infrastructure to reduce headways and increase throughput.

Unfortunately, technology and signalling philosophies developed in the 19th and 20th centuries are not meeting that challenge.

As a result, rail automation is gaining steam. Over the past 30 years, transit operators are shifting to semi or fully automated signalling systems.

The benefits of automation are clear: reduce human error, increase safety, reduce maintenance and increase operational performance but, this comes with a cost in terms of complexity and price tag.

Therefore, how does a transit operator decide how much automation is enough automation for their property?

Why Do I Need a ConOps in a CBTC Application?

Why Do I Need a ConOps in a CBTC Application?

When some transit agencies being down the path of deploying a CBTC solution, they assume their engineers understand their operational requirements and begin writing a technical specification.

This assumption is wrong.

Frontline personnel (such as train driver or maintenance personnel) understand the daily operational needs of the Transit Agency because they operate the system day in and day out

What is a Concept of Operations (ConOps) In a CBTC Application

What is a Concept of Operations (ConOps) In a CBTC Application

From a CBTC perspective, a ConOps is written with the end-user in mind and it describes what the transit agency expects from the CBTC system.

The ConOps is concerned with the operating environment where the CBTC system will reside in and where frontline personnel work to deliver service.

The CBTC system must address the needs of these frontline personnel and the purpose of the ConOps is to capture the needs of these workers.

CBTC Cutover Strategies - Fallback Mode Leading to CBTC

CBTC Cutover Strategies - Fallback Mode Leading to CBTC

This approach is applicable if the Operator has decided to implement fallback mode of operation and the fallback block design is as operationally efficient as their current block design.

This approach will apply two cutover stages before the full CBTC solution is deployed. The first cutover will switch from the legacy conventional system to the conventional system controlled by CBTC (fallback mode). The second cutover would deploy the full CBTC solution.

CBTC Cutover Strategies - Big Bang

CBTC Cutover Strategies - Big Bang

The cutover from a conventional to a CBTC signalled system is a radical shift for any Transit Operator. New training methods, new maintenance capabilities, new operational procedures; the entire organization changes gears at the same time and this transition is the most vulnerable point for a Transit Operator. At the flick of a switch, the entire organization must switch and the cutover strategy determines how smooth the transition is.

A cutover strategy defines how the Operator will physically switch from their current signaling system (usually conventional) to CBTC.

CBTC Diagnostics – Poor Design Equals Angry Commuters

CBTC Diagnostics – Poor Design Equals Angry Commuters

Experienced CBTC Transit Operators keep a laser focus on their diagnostic design because the time it takes for the Operator to identify a problem, localize the problem and fix it is determined by the diagnostics capabilities of the CBTC solution. 

Sophisticated diagnostics enable the Operator to recovery from failure quickly whereas rudimentary diagnostics delay recovery while commuters are stuck on the track.

How Does an Operator Recover a Failed CBTC Train - Part 1

How Does an Operator Recover a Failed CBTC Train - Part 1

Train recovery is a critical function because it defines how the Operator will recover a failed train under a worst-case failure. If the CBTC design can handle the worst-case scenario, then all other train recovery scenarios are taken care of automatically.

A stranded train due to communication failure is a rare event due to the built-in redundancy all CBTC solutions provide, nonetheless the CBTC solution must have a design in place to recover from this rare event.

Work Zones - The Forgotten CBTC Function

Work Zones - The Forgotten CBTC Function

Given that all railroad properties are under constant maintenance, creating a safe corridor for workers at track level, while maintaining service through the work zone is a critical concern for Operators.

In a CBTC application, work zones take on greater importance because the trains are either driverless or operating in an automated mode with a train Operator. If a CBTC train enters an area with workers, the train will not stop; it will continue to move at the same speed. There must be a vital mechanism to inform the CBTC system of workers at track level.

Which CBTC Functions should Operators Focus On? Core or Non-core Functions?

Which CBTC Functions should Operators Focus On?  Core or Non-core Functions?

Operationally critical functions must be understood when deploying a CBTC solution. These functions define how a railroad operates once the solution is deployed and if neglected the Operator can expect service disruptions, longer recovery times and irate commuters. Laser-focus on the CBTC solution’s operational functions will ensure that the operational requirements of the Operator are satisfied.